Task 1. Read the text below about money and happiness and fof questions, 1-5 choose answers A, B or C. There is only one correct answer for each question. All in all, it was probably a mistake to look for the answer to the eternal question-ODoes money buy happiness‑ 0 from pеоpie who practice whatds called the dismal science. For when economists tackled the queston, they started fronm the observation that when реople put something up for sale they try to get as much for it as they can get, and when реople buy something they ty to рay as littile for it as they can. Both sides in the tansacton, the есonomists noticed, are therefore behaving as if they would be happier, hey wound up receiving more money or holding сn to more moлеy. Нence, morе money must be better than less of it is if it brings your greater contentment. The economists‑ conclusion: the more money you have, the haрpier you must be. ОPsychologists have spent deсades studying the relation between wealth and hаppincsot, wiсз Нarvard Univcrsity psychoiogisi Banici Cibert in his best-scling OStumbling on Hаppinesst, and they have generallу concluded that wealth increases human happiness when it lifts people out of abject poverty and into the middle class, but thatit does little to increase happiness thereafter. In a typical survey people are asked to rank their sense of well-being or happiness on a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means Dnot at all satisfied with my life‑ and 7 means Оcompletely satisfiedD. Of the American mul timillionaires who responded, the average happiness score was 5.8. Homeless people in Calcutta came in at 2.9. But before you assume hat money does buу happiness after all, consider who else rated themselves around 5.8: the Inuit of northern Greenland, whо do not exacty lead a life of luxury, and the catte-herding Masai of Kenya, whose dung huts have no electicity or running water. And proving Gilbertds point about money buying happiness only when it lifts you out of abject pover ty, slum dwellers in Calcutta D one eсonomic rung above the homeless D rate themselves at 1. How did economists examine the relation of money to happiness? А. They interviewed people in the streets on their attitude towards money and hapрiness В. They observed that when people sell something, they ty to gain more money and when buying, people ty to spend less money С. They examined how people manage their money (savings and spending) 2. More monеy mustbe better because: А. Itenables people buying whatever they want В. It makes travelling affordable С. It brings more happiness and sаtisfacton 3. Ассording to Daniel Gilbert, how does money make people happier? А. Реople do notlive in poor conditions В. Реоple can buy different things С. Реоple receive high salaries4. Аccording to the survey, who rated themselves as being happy? А. Inuit of Northern Greenland В. American mul tmillionaires С. Homeless people in Calcutta 5. What does a house of Masai of Kenya lack? А. Нeaing В. Hotwater С. Electricity Task 2. Answer the following questions. 6. Whatis the main idea of the text? 7. Why having more money is better according to economistsD conclusions? 8. Whatis the work of Daniel Gilbert? 9. What kind of реople participated in the survey? 10. Ассording to the text, what are the living conditions of Masai of Kenya?