Task 1. Read the text and fill the blanks with the word from the box. cold, sick, teacher, essay, students, home

Getting a Cold

Lucy has a cold. Her nose is blocked, she coughs a lot, and she has a sore throat. She felt fine last
night, but now she is very 1). Lucy wants to go 2) and rest, but she thinks she can’t.
She is a student and her essay is due today. She needs to proof read it and print it so the teacher gets
it on time. Lucy’s 3) is very strict. He told Lucy that the 4) must be handed in on
time. There are eighteen 5) in the class, and they are all very busy writing their essays.
Hopefully, they won’t catch Lucy’s 6) . If the other students catch colds, they might take
several days off school and miss out on study.

Task 2. Mark sentences True or False.

1. Lucy feels unwell. True False

2. The teacher told that she could hand the essay later. True False​

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