Take off; put up; fall out; stand up; pick up; hold on; sort out 1) After my operation, all my hair . It’s growing back now, though.
Jane and John again last night. I could hear them arguing.
2) I don’t know how you with your boyfriend. He’s so unreliable.
your hand if you know the answer.
3) I all my clothes drawers today, so now I know where everything is.
You and I have a problem of communication, but if we try hard I’m sure we can it .
4) When I was at school, we had to when the teacher came in the room.
You shouldn’t let your sister boss you about and tell you what to do all the time. You should
for yourself, and tell her what you want to do.
5) (On the phone) ‘Can I speak to Mr. Sanders, please?’ ‘. I’m putting Mr. Sanders on the line.’
When you’re riding as a passenger on a motorbike, you have to tight.
6) It’s too warm to be wearing a wooly jumper. Why don’t you it ?
My business really started to after it was featured in the local newspapers.
7) I was never taught how to cook. I just it my mother.
The baby’s crying. Can you him ?

миланка20051 миланка20051    3   27.11.2021 20:04    137

Nasya156 Nasya156  09.01.2024 23:55
1) After my operation, all my hair fell out. It’s growing back now, though.
Explanation: The phrase "fall out" means to lose hair or to have hair come out.

Jane and John fell out again last night. I could hear them arguing.
Explanation: The phrase "fall out" in this context means to have an argument or a disagreement.

2) I don’t know how you put up with your boyfriend. He’s so unreliable.
Explanation: The phrase "put up with" means to tolerate or endure someone or something.

Put your hand up if you know the answer.
Explanation: The phrase "put your hand up" means to raise your hand in order to answer a question or get attention.

3) I sorted out all my clothes drawers today, so now I know where everything is.
Explanation: The phrase "sort out" means to organize or arrange something in a better or more systematic way.

You and I have a problem of communication, but if we try hard I'm sure we can sort it out.
Explanation: The phrase "sort it out" means to resolve or solve a problem or issue.

4) When I was at school, we had to stand up when the teacher came in the room.
Explanation: The phrase "stand up" means to rise from a sitting position to show respect or attention.

You shouldn’t let your sister boss you about and tell you what to do all the time. You should stand up for yourself and tell her what you want to do.
Explanation: The phrase "stand up for yourself" means to assert oneself and defend one's rights or beliefs.

5) (On the phone) 'Can I speak to Mr. Sanders, please?' 'Hold on. I'm putting Mr. Sanders on the line.'
Explanation: The phrase "hold on" means to wait or stay on the line during a phone call.

When you're riding as a passenger on a motorbike, you have to hold on tight.
Explanation: The phrase "hold on tight" means to grip something firmly to maintain balance or stability.

6) It's too warm to be wearing a wooly jumper. Why don't you take it off?
Explanation: The phrase "take off" means to remove or peel off something, such as a piece of clothing.

My business really started to pick up after it was featured in the local newspapers.
Explanation: The phrase "pick up" means to improve or increase in speed, activity, or success.

7) I was never taught how to cook. I just picked it up from my mother.
Explanation: The phrase "pick it up" means to learn or acquire a skill or knowledge informally or intuitively.

The baby's crying. Can you pick him up?
Explanation: The phrase "pick him up" means to lift or hold someone, especially a child, in one's arms.
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