Taiks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3 Reading
Task 1 Read the text and coinplete the sentences using the wonds from the text in the correct fart.
The Galapagos Islands are shated m the
Pacific Ocean to the west of South America. There
are many wpecies of reptiles, birda ad plaats which
are ouly found lene. These animals wired at the
islands becatise they were isolated from dangerous
animals disease and people
The Galapagos Idande se famous for luge
tortoises. These tortoise can lise for about 100 yours
and can weigh about 270 kilos. They are so heavy
that only six or eight people can litt there
Not long ao salon, exploten, bunten and fishermen cause to the islands and lilled the slow,
fnendly animals for their meat. Some tortoise were taken off the land for 2004 or painte
These tortoises are now endangered animale. There are now only about 6,000 len. Now they
and their homes are proiected.
1 The Galapagos Islands aren't situated on the Indian ocean. They are
2. The Galapagos tortoise aren't famoun for their colour. They tuous
3. They can live for 200 vents. No, they can
4. The Galapagos tartone can weight for about 400 kilow. No, they can
5. This tortoise isn't friendly They are
6. These tortoises acu't codangered They are

Taiks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3 ReadingTask 1 Read the text and coinplete the sent

сакина12 сакина12    1   15.03.2021 07:55    2

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