Іть зробити вправу з ійської мови о.карпюк 5 (б) стор. 104 4 клас: ask your classmate where his/her mother/brother/friend was yesterday. example: - were you at/in ? was your (school, shop, buckingham palace, cinema, london, work, zoo, home,kyiv,library,cafe, park,theatre,bus,museum,post office,department store, hotel, church, trafalgar sguare)

kornienko123456 kornienko123456    1   24.06.2019 06:40    0

edigarian2016 edigarian2016  19.07.2020 20:59
1) Was your best friend in school yesterday? 2) Was your sister yesterday in bookshop? 3) Was your brother in Buskingham Palace yesterday? 4) Was your mother at cinema yesterday? 5) Were your cousins in London yesterday? 6) was your father at work yesterday ? 7) Were your family in zoo yesterday? 8) Was your parents at home yesterday ? 9) Was Your grandpa in Kiyv yesterday? 10) Were your friends in library yesterday ? 11) Was your younger sister at the cafe yesterday ? 12) was your grandma in the park yesterday? 13) Did your cousin visit cinema yesterday ? І так само роби далі, тільки підставляй різних родичів:)
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