іть з англою, ср, дуже потрібно ​

іть з англою, ср, дуже потрібно ​

sveta7185684p0dufr sveta7185684p0dufr    3   14.04.2021 13:28    1

Пам904 Пам904  14.05.2021 13:29

D. Where were you staying when you went to Scotland last summer?

D. Did you also visit Edinburgh?

V. We travelled quite a lot, so by the time we left Scotland we had seen most of it. I had never been there before and I really enjoyed it.

D. Did it take you a long time to plan the trip?

V I planned this trip for three months. Oh, you won't believe this, but I saw something in Loch Ness while we were driving by the lake.


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