іть Task 3. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. I... (be) in the UK for three weeks now and it's great!

2. Donna (never, eat) pancakes before!

3. How... (you, get) to the festival yeasterday?

4. Last year, Sam... (win) the competition.

5. (you, ever, bee) to a battle of reenactment 6. Why ... (you, decide) to go traveling?

sofia200000 sofia200000    3   31.03.2022 08:35    1

Engee Engee  31.03.2022 08:40

1. I have been in the UK for three weeks now and it's great!

2. Donna has never eaten pancakes before!

3. How did you get to the festival yesterday?

4. Last year, Sam won the competition.

5. Have you ever been to a battle of reenactment?

6. Why did you decide to go traveling? (хотя вариант "Why have you decided to go travelling? тоже приемлем")


Для Present Perfect:

Время связывает и настоящее (действие началось в и длится до сих пор).Маркеры: never, before, for, ever.

Для Past Simple:

Время сказать о том, что происходило (произошло) в .Маркеры:yesterday, last year.

Маркеры нам подсказывают, какое время нужно использовать.

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