Іть перекласти на українську мову 1.my mobile phone does not work - i nned, to charge him. 2.would last person to leave the room, please turn on the lights. 3.when i tried to switch on my computer in the morning, nothing happened. 4.can you trun to the tv? i can barely hear what the actors say. 5.the computer does not work, because you do not witched it. you can hlugged it to the wall.

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vladiktikhonov2 vladiktikhonov2  14.08.2020 17:50
1. Мій мобільний телефон не працює, я мушу зарядити його.
3. Коли я намагався увімкнути свій компьютер вранці, нічого не сталося.

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