Іть будь-ласка! потрібно написати твір-роздум(свою думку) на ійській, на таке твердження: "чому молоді люди зараз живуть краще ніж раніше", повинно бути не менше 120-180 слів. дуже буду вдячна за )

исмира4 исмира4    1   23.07.2019 01:30    1

elvinvaliev00 elvinvaliev00  03.10.2020 11:17
Young people now live better because they have fewer problems to solve.  When they are students most of them get money from their parents.  So they don't have to work.  Nowadays there are more opportunities to relax.  In their free time they can go to sport clubs, or night clubs or both.  They can also take additional classes on different subjects if they need.  Of course their parents have to pay for all this.  Young people also  dress better now.  Some of them can even afford expensive disigner clothes. Many young people have hi-fi gadgets.  Computers, mobile telphones and others devices make their life much more intersting.  There's no problem to find any information they need in the Internet.  So they don't necessarily have to go to the libraries.  Travelling abroad is also very popular with young people.  In other countries they can learn languages and obtain additional education. Communication with friends or relatives living abroad is no problem at the moment.   In other words, now life became much better for the young people.
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