Сязыком,заранее . read the text. in each question, choose the right answer a, b, c or d. 1 why didn’t katie and peter have much money? a they had spent it all on second-hand furniture. b their bills were high. c they had just bought a new flat. d their wages were low. 2 why did katie take the book? a she wanted to read it. b it was a present. c she recognised the title. d she didn’t have any books. 3 why did katie want to order a pizza? a she couldn’t cook. b it was a cheap meal. c she wanted a treat. d she didn’t want to eat out. 4 katie was upset when the iron broke because a it was an expected expense. b she was alone when it happened. c she didn’t want to look untidy at work. d she had just paid for a new one. 5 in the story, the money falls out of the book when a katie is upset. c katie wishes for it. b katie is hungry. d katie and peter are together. katie and peter were walking around a flea market looking for second-hand furniture. they had just moved into a flat in the city and although they were both working, neither of them earned much money and so they had very little spare cash once their bills were paid. katie spotted a small bookcase with a price tag of í20. she thought it would be great for her collection of romantic novels. she bought it and the old man behind the stall gave her an old book as a gift. she thanked him even though she didn’t think she would read it as she didn’t recognize the title, ‘the poor man’s friend.’ they got back to their flat and put the bookcase in place, then katie sat flicking through the pages of the old book. peter was looking in the kitchen cupboards and making suggestions for what they could eat for dinner. “i wish we could order a pizza,” said katie, but she knew it was a luxury they couldn’t afford. they always cooked cheap simple meals at home and they never ate out. just then a small piece of paper fell out of the book. she picked it up and saw that it was a crumpled í20 note. “wow! what good luck! ” she said. they ordered a big pizza with all the toppings and rented a dvd, too. they had a great night. a few days later, when katie was home alone ironing the clothes, the iron suddenly stopped working. she knew they couldn’t buy a new one until they got paid at the end of the month. she felt anxious at the thought of going to work in creased clothes. she sat down and let out a heavy sigh. she glanced over and saw the old book on the shelf. ‘wouldn’t it be great if there was more money hidden in the pages of that book? ’ she thought to herself. she picked the book up and shook it, not really expecting anything other than dust to fall out, and to her amazement a folded banknote fell to the floor.

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