Сязыком 1. i eat ( much / a lot of) sugar. 2. they don't eat ( much / a lot of) meat. 3. do you need ( much/ a lot of) milk? 4.how (much /a lot of) salt do you need? 5. there is (much / a lot of) ham and ( much/a lot of) butter in my fridge. 6. there isn't ( much / a lot of) sail in the salad. 7. i don't know ( many / a lot of) people in this room. 8. how ( many / a lot of) streets are there in your town? 9. ( many / a lot of) children like ice cream. 10. how ( many / much) juice do you want? переведите и поставте где нужно much, a lot of, many

tomatlinder tomatlinder    1   20.06.2019 06:00    3

Mariska4 Mariska4  16.07.2020 09:23
1. I eat a lot of sugar.
Я употребляю много сахара.
2. They don't eat much meat.
Они едят на так много мяса.
3. Do you need much milk?
Ты хочешь много молока?
4. How much salt do you need?
Сколько соли тебе нужно?
5. There is a lot of ham and butter in my fridge.
В моем холодильнике много ветчины и масла.
6. There isn't much salt in the salad.
В салате недостаточно соли.
7. I don't know many people in this room.
Я немногих знаю в этой комнате.
8. How many streets are there in your town?
Сколько улиц в твоем городе?
9. A lot of children like ice cream.
Многие дети любят мороженое.
10. How much juice do you need?
Сколько сока тебе нужно?
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