Св учебнике spotlight 7 класс номер 3 страница 20

jora2003123 jora2003123    1   12.07.2019 09:30    0

averinatatka averinatatka  18.09.2020 10:27
I recently went for a walk and came back late in the evening. I went after the walk, I saw a strange man. He was a tall, two meters and very thin. I noticed this man was all in black. I decided not to focus, then he just moved into our house ?. I was surprised that the parents are still at work. I decided to call them, they did not answer. I decided to watch a man at the window, and suddenly he turned and began to look at me a piercing look. I was scared and I went to the window and the curtain in her room. I decided to sit in his room until parents come. I thought to sit at the computer and suddenly turned off the light. my room without windows. since it has no windows in the room it was pitch dark, but then came the parents. it turned out that someone had knocked the cork. I think it was the same person is not known.
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