Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood (сослагательное наклонение) for the verbs in brackets. Refer the sentences to the Past.

1. If he … his father’s advice he … himself in this miserable state (follow, not find).
2. If my friend … there everything … different (be, be).
3. He …this office if it …vacant (hold, be).
4. Even if I … a stranger he …of his misfortunes (be, talk).
5. If she …this piece of painting she … it (like, buy).
6. If anything … he …you know (happen, let).
7. If the girl … the telephone call she never … the good news (not answer, hear).
8. If they … dictionaries they … the article correctly (bring, can translate).
9. If there …a strong wind it … it impossible to swim in the lake (be, be).
10. If you …here in time we … our concert (come, begin).

kotik53Tv kotik53Tv    2   15.04.2020 19:47    40

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