Суммативная работа за 1 четверть по темам «ХОББИ И ОТДЫХ. КОММУНИКАЦИЯ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ »

Максимальное количество 15 ( reading чтение 7,writing письмо 8)


Read the text Прочитайте текст

Television theories Теории телевидения

There are many theories on the effect of television on human being. Here are some of them.

A. The “Television makes you stupid” theory. This theory says that there are many bad programmes on television. If you watch a lot of these programmes they make you stupid and lazy. You don`t think for yourself.

B. The “Television makes you fat” theory. Some studies say that if people watch too much television they get fat. In the United Kingdom and the United States, many people think that children are fat because they watch lots of television and don`t go out to play.

C. The “Television makes you intelligent” theory. Today there are special series with names like Baby Einstein, or Brainy Baby. They say that if babies sit down to watch these programmes they develop more quickly.

D. The “Television makes you frightened” theory. Every day people see crime on documentaries or the news. This theory says that this scares people. They think the world is more dangerous than it really is.

E. The “Television makes you violent” theory. This theory says that young people are violent because they see violence on television. Some people say that modern video games also make young people violent.

F. The “Television makes you ill” theory. Some people believe that if you watch television for too long, it hurts your eyes. Some people say that television gives them headache too.

Task 1 Matches sentences to the proper theory

Задание 1 Соотнеси предложение к правильной теории под буквами в тексте (A,B,C,D,E,F) (Читаете предложение и пишите букву, где об этом говориться)

1. I do not want to go to the city centre at night. The news says there are lots of problems.

2. If I watch television for more than an hour, it hurts my head.

3. My brother watches TV all day. He does not want to do anything else. Перевод

1. Не хочу ехать ночью в центр города. В новостях говорится, что там много проблем.

2. Если я смотрю телевизор больше часа, у меня болит голова.

3. Мой брат весь день смотрит телевизор. Больше он ничего делать не хочет.

Read the text and give a short answer. Дай краткий ответ на вопрос из текста

1. Is television makes you stupid and lazy?

2. Who believes that people who watch TV all day get fat?

3. Is modern video games do not make young people violent?


1. Телевидение делает вас глупым и ленивым?

2. Кто считает, что люди, которые целый день смотрят телевизор, толстеют?

3. Разве современные видеоигры не побуждают молодых людей к жестокости?


Task 2 . Choose one of the topics below. Pay attention at the grammar accuracy of tenses in your answer.

Задание 2

Выберите одну из тем ниже. Обратите внимание на грамматическую точность времен в своем ответе.

Topic 1. Write a short paragraph about your dream hobby.

Topic 2. Write a short paragraph on the topic “The role of modern gadgets in the life of teenagers”.


Тема 1. Напишите небольшое сообщение о хобби своей мечты.

Тема 2. Напишите небольшое сообщение на тему «Роль современных гаджетов в жизни подростков».

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Azaleika Azaleika    1   30.10.2020 12:45    42

Щощо Щощо  30.10.2020 12:50

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