Summative assessment for the unit «Legend or Truth?» Learning objectives
10.2.2 Understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics 10.3.7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general and curricular topics 10.6.9 Use appropriately a wide variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria
• Identify particular facts and parts in extended conversation without support
• Talk about given topics using appropriate topic related vocabulary
• Apply active and passive simple/perfect present and past forms

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Duration 20 minutes

Task 1 Reading
The Legend of Medusa (Greek mythology)
1. Polydectes, an evil king of the island of Seriphos, fell madly in love with a beautiful woman named Danae. He wanted to marry her, but wanted nothing to do with her adult son, Perseus. Hoping to get rid of Perseus, Polydectes ruthlessly tricked the young man into brashly undertaking a deadly mission - to bring him the head of a dreaded monster called Medusa.
2. Medusa was one of three fearsome Gorgon sisters who lived far away in a secret hiding place. The sisters had brass claws, golden wings, boars' tusks, and masses of hissing snakes for hair. Anyone who looked into their frightful faces instantly turned into stone.
3. Fortunately, the gods Athena and Hermes, as well as three nymphs, offered to help Perseus. Athena gave him a shiny bronze shield and Hermes gave him a sword that could not be 4bent by the Gorgons' scales. The nymphs gave Perseus winged shoes so that he could fly, a cap that made him invisible, and a pouch in which to carry the Gorgon's head.
4. Perseus flew first to the home of the aged ones. These three women, who were sisters to the Gorgons, were born with gray hair and shared a single eye and a tooth between them. Wearing his cap of invisibility, Perseus snatched the eye as one sister passed it to another. Threatening to keep the eye, Perseus coerced them into revealing the Gorgon's secret hiding place.
5. Perseus arrived at the cave of the Gorgons, where, by good fortune, they were all asleep. In order to see Medusa without turning to stone, Perseus located her grotesque face in a reflection on his shiny shield. He swiftly cut off her head, dropped it into his bag, and fled from Medusa's angry sisters. When Perseus returned to Seriphos, the evil Polydectes laughed at him and asked what was in his sack. Perseus pulled out the horrifying head of Medusa and turned Polydectes to stone.
6. Medusa's severed head retained its power to turn people into stone, so Perseus carried it on many adventures, using it to defeat his enemies. Eventually, in gratitude for her protection, Perseus gave Medusa's head to Athena, who placed it on her breastplate to ward off evil.

Task 1 Post-reading: Text analysis Match the headings with paragraphs 1-6:
* Final victory
* Who helped the hero
* Problem
* Resolution
* Beginning of hero’s deed
* Character’s description

Task 2 Answer the questions.
1) Do you know any other legends and myths? Give examples and details.

2) Can you give any examples of Kazakh legends? Give examples and details.

3) Do you know any Kazakh mythological creatures? Can you describe them?

Points / 9

Task 3 Write an article on one of the topics:
1) How the Great Myths and Legends Were Created
2) Urban Legends: How They Start and Why They Live Among People

Writing Criteria:
- Article has a thesis that describes the content.
- Topic sentence grabs the reader’s attention and focuses the reader on the main idea of a
- The details in the article are clear and supportive of the topic.
- A variety of linking words are used.
- New vocabulary is used.
- Correct spelling and grammar (present, past and past perfect active and passive forms)
(no more than 2 minor mistakes)

Descriptor A learner
Task - writes a thesis that describes the content;
- writes a topic sentence which grabs attention and focuses on the
- main idea;
- uses details which clearly support the topic;
- uses a variety of linking words;
- uses new vocabulary;
- uses correct spelling and grammar:

pashakort pashakort    3   12.10.2020 23:25    139

Riek Riek  13.10.2020 01:01

еещеееще я


алделне я

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