Summative assessment for the unit Form: 8
Subject: English
Term: IV
Task 1. Check your understanding: true or false
Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. A - The boy revised all week for his Economics exam. True False
2. A - It wasn't an important exam. True False
3. A - His mum is worried about the cost of retaking the course. True False
4. B - The girl and the dog were playing in the park. True False
5. B - She took Bonzo to the vet's straight away. True False
6. B - She had only had Bonzo for a short time. True False
7. C - The boy was using the phone when someone stole it. True False
8. C - The boy thinks he would recognise the thief. True False
9. C - The dad will see if the phone is insured. True False


Task 2. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Переведите в косвенную речь.
Example “I work hard,” Jillian said.

— Jillian said that he worked hard.

1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.

2.“I take my little sister to school every day,” little Anthony said.

3.“You may take my textbook,” Nonna said.

4.“They are playing in the gym now,” Nick said.

5.“I don’t like chocolate,” Mary says

a6.“My sister is ready to go” Helen said.

7.“My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday,” the girl says.

i8.“The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.

9.“I am not married,” Jimmy said.

10.“I can't read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said.


Task 3. Translate into English in Conditional forms. Denote (RC-real condition, UC-unreal condition)

1.Я куплю хлеб, если магазин все еще будет открыт.

2.На твоем месте я бы последовал совету родителей. (follow)

3.Если ты звонишь по телефону после 8 вечера, это дешевле.

4.Если мы приедем рано, будет не трудно купить билеты на концерт.

5.Если бы у меня было 5 тысяч евро, я бы отправился на Гаити (Haiti).

6.Тебе следует заняться чем-то новым, если тебе скучно.

7.Этот пирог был бы вкуснее, если бы ты добавил больше сахара.

8.Если бы у меня было больше друзей, я был бы счастливее.

9.Растение засыхает, если ты не поливаешь его.

10. Если я сплю мало ночью, я засыпаю на уроках. (feel sleepy)


Task 4. Change direct question into indirect.

1. Do you have breakfast ?
2. Where did you study?
3. Where is the Eurasian university?
4. When does the bus arrive?
5. What is the capital of Australia?
6. Did you play tennis yesterday?
7. How much does Nicole earn?
8. What's the price of this car?

Task 5. Imagine that you are agony aunt. Write a letter of advice for Teenagers from page 106-107( Alison, Carl, Stephanie).

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