Summative assessment for the Term 4


Grade 5

Task 1. Reading

Hi Ellie

Read the text and write True (T) or False (F) next to the sentences.

How are you? Are you having a nice holiday? I'm having a great time in Spain! It's great weather here! It's very hot and sunny My family and I go to the beach every day. The beach is a lot of fun because you can do lots of water sports here. I'm going to water ski this afternoon. The food here is great. We're going to eat in a seafood restaurant tonight. I love seafood. I want to try octopus! We're going to visit a museum tomorrow morning It is about the history of Spain. Then later we're going to go shopping in the town. We want to buy some presents. I want to get you a present from Spain. We are going to fly home next week. I want to show you all my photos!

See you soon Best wishes, Lisa

Write True or False.

1 Lisa is in Australia

2 Lisa is going to water ski this afternoon

3. Lisa's family is going to eat seafood tonight

4. Lisa doesn't like seafood

5, Lisa is going to buy Ellie a present,

6. Lisa is going to visit a museum

7 Lisa is going to fly home tomorrow

Task 2. Writing. Circle the correct answer.

1 It's snowing outside! Let's

a snowman

A go

2. My brother A


C do D make B play computer games every weekend.

C plays

B does



3.Every summer I windsurfing I love it!



B play C go D do Basketball is my favourite sport. I every Saturday.

A do

B go

C make

D play

She loves gymnastics! She- exercises every morning before school

A does


D goes B plays C makes swimming every day at my local swimming pool.

A play

B do

C make

D go​

Олиф1 Олиф1    2   22.05.2020 09:27    7

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