Summative Assessment for term 4

1. Aim of the Summative Assessment for the term
Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term.
Summative assessment checks the achievement of learning objectives for the term planned in the course plan.

Duration - 40 minutes.
Total marks –10
The structure of the Summative Assessment

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 4

Reading. (Чтение)

Task 2. Read the text.
Прочти текст.

There are aliens out there, somewhere. I strongly believe this. Not sure what they look like, though. I really doubt they are green, like they are in science fiction movies. I also don’t think they look like us. But I’m sure they exist. I just don’t think we’ll ever see any or find any. They live too far away. If you think about it logically, there has to be aliens out there. All a planet needs is to be warm and have water and life will exist. There are billions and billions of planets in the universe, so there are probably millions and millions that have life, alien life. It’s also likely that some of the aliens are much more intelligent than we are. I wonder what we would do if really intelligent aliens visited the Earth. What would we ask them?
Circle 5 sentences relevant to the text. There are 3 extra sentences.
Выбери из 8 предложений 5, близких по смыслу к тексту, обведи номера этих предложений. 3 предложения лишние.

1. I don’t think alians are green.
2. They look like people.
3. They really exist.
4. I think we’ll hear them.
5. There are billions and billions of planets in the universe.
6. There are probably millions and millions that have alien life.
7. Some of the aliens are intelligent.
8. We will ask them about our future.


Writing. (Письмо)

Task 3. Write sentences. Use the words sometimes, often, always, never.
Запиши предложения. Используй следующие слова: sometimes, often, always, never.

Example: The crane always lifts things quickly.
1. The rocket .
2. The boat ___ .
3. The scissors .
4. The motobike .
5. The motor saw .

You may use the words: float slowly, move quickly, cut quickly, cut slowly;
Ты можешь использовать следующие слова: float slowly, move quickly, cut quickly, cut slowly;

Total 10

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