Summative assessment for Reading
Task 1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
The beautiful Greek island of Corfu (1)
(always/be) popular with visitors. Odysseus
(go) to Corfu on his journey home and (3)
(fall) in love with the beautiful
Princess Nausicaa there. The Empress Elizabeth of Austria (4)
(think) the island was the
most beautiful place in the world when she first (5)
(visit) it in 1889. People from different
countries (6)
(live) on Corfu through the countries, which (7)
(make) it a very
cosmopolitan island. In recent years, Corfu (8)
(grow) into one of the most popular tourist
sports in Europe. In the past, the local population survived by fishing and farming, but now tourism has
become the most common way to make money.​

BlackWolf05 BlackWolf05    3   08.12.2020 23:12    0

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