Structure the text below in the logical order. Use linkers in the gaps. (12 points). 1.Thesis, 2. - 3. Body paragraphs, 4. Conclusion (8 points),
Linkers (4 points)
Conflict sometimes may lead to innovation and creativity in a conflicting environment people tend to put forward imaginative suggestions to solve the problems. In such a challenging situation people usually think before they put forward their ideas to resolve issues.
Conflict may lead to diversion of resources from constructive to the destructive activities. , it is one of the major causes of stress and tension, which leads to the decrease of overall productivity. These destructive effects of conflict are also known as dysfunctional aspects of conflict.
But it is believed by certain scholars that conflict itself does not create a problem, it is the mismanagement of a conflict that can lead to a problem.
But a conflict is helpful only to a level where it is minimal and can be resolved easily, , it is necessary to make sure it does not get out of hand. Conflicts spiralling out of control can be very destructive.
Most experts today view conflicts as a useful aspect of an organization. It is claimed that the conflict helps in preventing the stagnation and provide new ideas and solutions to various issues.
the positives of a conflict are few and limited, its negatives are abundant and may be severe. Conflict to an extent of healthy competition may be beneficial but when it exceeds that level it becomes destructive. Organizational conflicts have led to the closure of many organizations, or have turned their profits into losses.
Also, conflict can be used as a source of reducing the tension and frustration as people express their frustrations by means of conflict. It helps to bring people back to their normal situation.

inessa2012 inessa2012    2   19.04.2021 08:59    0

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