Стилистический анализ For Kevin, his employment by the automobile factory was like a child's ticket of admission to an awesome, half-believed-in fairyland of new sights, sounds, colors, and odors. Even the preliminary physical examination, which his nude fellow Job applicants, shivering in their stockinged feet, swore was Just too damned much like the army, was a revelation to Kevin, who had not been in the United States long enough to learn how to conceal his astonishment. The young men in line with him grumbled and cursed, or stood embarrassed at their physical inadequacies; but Kevin six feet two, sturdy as an oak,white-skinned and freckled from the roots of the flaming hair, standing up and away from his forehead, to the outer edges of his massive shoulders –was more interested by the fact that he was being examined for nothing.

Novikovavera81 Novikovavera81    3   18.05.2021 15:37    0

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