Step by step Шаг за шагом
Theme of the lesson: Past Simple: was/were.
Aims: 1) We`ll learn “to be” in the past simple tense; 2) We`ll have grammar practice; 3) We`ll learn how to pronounce strong and weak forms.
Plan for today (13, January):
1. Ex. 1 p. 60 Read affirmative sentences in the table, complete the gaps, translate and send a voice message. Read questions, complete the gaps, give short answers, translate and send a voice message. Read negative sentences, complete the gaps, translate and send a voice message.
2. Ex. 2 p. 60 Complete the sentences with was/were, read them and send a voice message. Прочитайте предложения и пришлите голосовое сообщение.
3. Ex. 3 p. 60 Read negative sentences, send a voice message. Прочитайте предложения и пришлите голосовое сообщение.
4. Ex. 4 p. 60 Write sentences and answers and send a photo. Напишите вопросы и ответы по таблице.
5. Ex. 5 p. 60 Составьте диалог со своим одноклассником: вопрос –