Step 1. Read and translate the text. Decide whether each gap in this passage should be filled with “a” or “the” INTERNATIONAL PLASTIC CARDS
There are two main kinds of international plastic cards. /…/ first kind is travel and entertainment card such as American Express, Diner’s Club and Carte Blanche. /…/ second kind is Visa or Mastercard credit card which has different local names in each country. In Britain /…/ former is called Barclaycard and /…/ latter is called Access.
Both sorts of cards can be used in many hotels, restaurants and shops worldwide. When /…/ cardholder pays /…/ bill, /…/ details are written on /…/ sales voucher, which /…/ cardholder signs.
/…/ shop or restaurant gives /…/ top copy to /…/ customer, sends /…/ copy to /…/ finance company and keeps /…/ copy. /…/ finance company pays /…/ shop /…/ amount of /…/ bill, but takes off /…/ small percentage charge. For example, if /…/ bill is $60, /…/ finance company takes off 5% and pays /…/ shop $57. /…/ finance company sends every cardholder /…/ statement each month with details of all /…/ transactions in that month.
Travel and entertainment card accounts must be paid in full every month. Credit cardholders do not have to pay their accounts every month, but they must pay a minimum amount of $5 or 5% of the bill (whichever is greater). Then /…/ outstanding balance, plus interest, is written on /…/ next statement.
Cardholders pay for travel and entertainment cards ( /…/ annual subscription for both American Express and Diner’s Club is $17.50), but credit cards are free in Britain.
In Britain some credit cards are also cheque cards. Barclaycard guarantees cheques drawn on Barclays Bank and Access guarantees cheques drawn on /…/ National Westminster Bank.