Стекстом. я незнаю как он произносится вы можете написать по , как произносится надо. hello , dear ! - hi , mum - how are you ? what are you doing ? - oh , i am doing the washing up . - you are doing the washing up ? really ? super ! - i have already cleaned my room and watered the flowers . - you have cleaned your room . what a surprise ! - yes , i have . i have also gone shopping and bought some apples , oranges and bananas. i haven’t made an apple pie yet . but i am going to make one this evening . -an apple pie ? goodness ! and what about your homework ? -i have just done it . -i can not believe it ! any bad marks at school today ? -no , i have got an «excellent » in maths. - what has happened to you , then ? are you ok ? - i am fine ! take it easy . it is all just a joke . today is the 1 st of april ! -bingo ! you got me !
Ю гат ми!
Звучит странно, но как есть)