STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE PEOPLE THEY HAVE A PROBLEM FOR EVERY SOLUTION - ALBERT EINSTEIN(Держитесь подальше от негативных людей, у них есть проблемы для любого решения, - АЛЬБЕРТ ЭЙНШТЕЙН) что по вашему значит эта фраза?​

zaporozkayaoks zaporozkayaoks    2   28.03.2021 18:10    0

Ангелина0113 Ангелина0113  28.03.2021 18:20

I think this phrase has some meaning.The author treats negative people as people without any purpose, they have no reason to help and respect other people.There are bad people who can't be considered a "real" person.They have no humanity, no bitterness, no conscience.You can't be like that, you have to treat someone with understanding and respect.

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