- Английский язык
- STATUE Nowadays you see living
STATUE Nowadays you see living statues all over the world.
They wear elaborate costumes and body paint, and
stand without moving for hours. But what's it like? Is it
difficult? I spoke to Nina, a living statue in London.
'You need to be physically and mentally fit. It's
actually quite hard standing still, and you have to eat
before you start or you feel ill.
'We wear body paint so we look like real metal or
stone statues. Metallic paint takes over an hour to put
on and it's difficult to get off, too. Every week I have
a sauna to clean my skin. I love designing different
costumes and being creative. We even paint our
clothes to make them look heavy. In the winter you
need to wear thermal underwear under your costume
so you don't shiver with cold.
I've worked at glamorous birthday parties for famous
people, and in parks in the rain, and I've just been to
the World Championships in Holland. There were 300
statues and 300,000 visitors. It was incredible! Most
people love us but sometimes young children are
frightened and I've seen one or two cry!'
Antonio Santos from Barcelona holds the world record
for standing still, an incredible 20 hours, 11 minutes
and 38 seconds, but the longest Nina has stood
without moving is two and a half hours, at a party,
'It was awful! So now, I move. If someone gives me
money, I blow a kiss or do a dance to say thank you:
And of course if you need to sneeze or something,
you have to come alive' and make it part of the
performance. It's hard work but fun!'

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