
1. Bananas are a type of...

a) vegetable

b) fruit

c) potato

d) berry

e) apple

3. The best climate for growing bananas is...

a) wet and windy

b) cold and wet

c) warm and dry

d) hot and humid

e) apple

3. Помешать

a) Stir

b) mix

c) mash

d) sprinkle

e) mince

4.He to work four days a week.

a) go


c) went

d) gone

e) does

5. Stella always does her homework, ?

a)didn’t she

b)doesn’t she

c)done’t she

d) don’t she

e) do

6. Mr. Brown orange juice at the swimming pool.

a) were drinking

b) was drinking

c) drunk

d) had drunk

e) drink

7. I……. to spend more time with my relatives.

a) improved

b) mind

c) enjoy

d) decided

e) solve

8. The cutlery is…..

a) knifes

b) plates

c) sugar-basin

d) spoon

e) forks

9. Cream of chicken is a kind of …

a) dessert

b) salad

c) soup

d) pie

e) apple

10. Ice-cream is …

a) side dish

b) a main course

c) dessert

d) cake

e) pie

11. Put … the left side of the serving plate

a) the fork

b) the knife

c) the spoon

d) the plate

e) the spatula

12. The word means a list of dishes with prices served in the restaurant or café

a) main course

b) menu

c) appetizer

d) side dish

e) main side

13. The appetizers are served …..

a) at the beginning of the meal

b) at the end of the meal

c) between main

d)main course

e) meal

14. A la carte menu is…

a) a menu having individual dishes listed with separate prices

b) a menu having different dishes every day

c) a menu offering a complete meal at a fixed price

d) a menu having different dishes

e)a menu offering a complete meal

15. Thecrockeryis ….

a) knifes

b) plates

c) sugar-basin

d) forks

e) spoon

16. Mashed potato is a kind of ….

a) side dish

b) a main course

c) dessert

d) sugar-basin

e) meal

17. Beef steak, roast chicken and mutton chop is a kind of …

a) side dish

b) a main course

c) dessert

d) sugar-basin

e) roast

18. The dessert is served …..

a) at the beginning of the meal

b) at the end of the meal

c) between meal

d) beginning of the meal

e) meal

19. Translate «Приятного аппетита»

a) Enjoy your meal!

b) Bon appetite!

c) Enjoy your meals!

d) Your tasty food!

e) Enjoys your meal!

20.Your friend looked upset yesterday. I’m glad he looks …… today.

a) happy

b) more happy

c) happier

d) happy as

e) happiest

Den000000 Den000000    2   19.05.2020 12:21    136

gagikgrigoryan gagikgrigoryan  15.01.2024 13:46
1. Bananas are a type of fruit (b).
- Bananas are commonly referred to as a fruit because they are the edible part of the banana plant. They grow on trees and have a soft, sweet flesh inside a yellow peel.

2. The best climate for growing bananas is hot and humid (d).
- Bananas thrive in warm and moist climates because they require lots of sunlight and water for optimal growth. These conditions provide the necessary nutrients for the banana plant to produce healthy and ripe fruits.

3. Помешать (to hinder/obstruct) is not one of the provided options.

4. He to work four days a week. The correct answer is "goes" (b).
- The verb "to go" needs to match the subject, which is "he" in this case. The correct conjugation is "goes" to indicate that he (third person singular) goes to work four days a week.

5. Stella always does her homework, doesn't she? The correct answer is "doesn't she" (b).
- The question tag at the end of the sentence should match the auxiliary verb in the main sentence, which is "does." "Doesn't she" is the correct form for a question tag that follows a positive sentence.

6. Mr. Brown was drinking orange juice at the swimming pool (b).
- The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that was happening at a specific point in the past. In this case, it indicates that Mr. Brown was in the process of drinking orange juice at the swimming pool.

7. I decided to spend more time with my relatives (d).
- The verb "decided" indicates that the action was a conscious decision made by the speaker. In this case, the speaker decided to spend more time with their relatives.

8. The cutlery is forks (e).
- Cutlery refers to the utensils used for eating, and forks are one of the essential pieces of cutlery.

9. Cream of chicken is a kind of soup (c).
- Cream of chicken is a type of soup that is made with chicken broth and cream. It is characterized by its creamy texture and chicken flavor.

10. Ice-cream is a dessert (c).
- Ice cream is a sweet, frozen dessert that is typically made from dairy products, such as milk or cream, and flavored with various ingredients, such as fruits, chocolate, or nuts.

11. Put the fork at the left side of the serving plate (a).
- When setting a table, the fork is traditionally placed on the left side of the plate.

12. The word that means a list of dishes with prices served in the restaurant or café is menu (b).
- A menu is a document or board that lists the available dishes and their prices in a restaurant or café.

13. The appetizers are served at the beginning of the meal (a).
- Appetizers are typically served as the first course or before the main meal to stimulate the appetite.

14. An a la carte menu is a menu having individual dishes listed with separate prices (a).
- An a la carte menu offers individual dishes that can be ordered separately, each with its own price.

15. The crockery is plates (b).
- Crockery refers to the dishes and plates used for serving and eating food.

16. Mashed potato is a side dish (a).
- Mashed potatoes are commonly served as a side dish alongside the main course.

17. Beef steak, roast chicken, and mutton chop are kinds of a main course (b).
- Beef steak, roast chicken, and mutton chop are typical main course options in a meal.

18. Dessert is served at the end of the meal (b).
- Dessert is typically enjoyed after the main course as a sweet treat to conclude the meal.

19. Translate "Приятного аппетита" to "Enjoy your meal!" (a).
- "Приятного аппетита" is the Russian phrase used to wish someone a pleasant meal before they begin eating.

20. Your friend looked upset yesterday. I'm glad he looks happier today (c).
- The word "happier" is the comparative form of the adjective "happy," and it indicates that the friend looks more happy than before.
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