Среди следующих предложений есть ошибочные утверждения. В таком случае откорректируйте их и запишите верное утверждение. Если предложение правильное, то переписываете его. Всего должно быть 10 предложений.

1. The humid and mild climate of Great Britain is bad for plants and flowers.

2. The white rose is the national emblem of England.

3. The thistle is the national emblem of Ireland.

4. The shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Ireland.

5. The thistle is a wild plant with prickly leaves with red, orange, or black flowers.

6. But one of the Norsemen stepped on a rose.

7. The Scots took the leek as their national emblem.

8. The daffodil is also associated with St Patrick’s Day.

9. Daffodil is a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower of early autumn.

10. The Irishmen wear this national emblem on St Patrick’s Day, March 17.

magomedov254 magomedov254    1   17.05.2020 14:07    8

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