Сравните предметы, используя конструкцию as … as / not as … as.

1. Moscow / Tokio (busy)

2. London / York (cosy)

3. The city / the countryside (quiet)

4. Apples / grapes (sweet)

5. Bushes / trees (tall)

6. Hills / mountains (high)

7. Meat / fish (healthy)

8. Sugar / honey (tasty)

9. The melon / the water-melon (watery)

10. The cat / the dog (clever)

11. New cars / used cars (cheap)

Саня130905 Саня130905    1   31.05.2020 15:22    62

Awzida Awzida  15.10.2020 12:42
Moscow is as busy as Tokio.London isn't as cosy as York.The city isn't as quiet as the countryside.Apples are as sweet as grapes.Bushea aren't as tall as trees.Hills aren't as high as mountains.Meat isn't as healthy as fish.Sugar isn't as tasty as honey.The melon isn't as watery as water-melon.The cat is as clever as the dog.New cars aren't as cheap as used cars.
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