SPORT. FOOTBALL. I.Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases from the list below:
a) captain b) coach c) draw d) fair
e) football ground (or pitch) f) footballer g) foul h) penalty kick i) goal j) kick off k) league l) opponents
m) referee n) score o) soccer
1.What Europeans call “ football’ , Americans call... 2. The instructor of the team is the...
3. When you play in a football team you are a...
4. The games take place on a...
5. The leader of the team is a ...
6. The man in the ... is the goal-keeper.
7. The beginning of the match is the
8. During the match each team tries to ... as many goals as possible.
9. When the teams have scored the same number of goals we say it's a ... 10. The players of the other team are ...
11. The man who enforces the rules during the game is the ...
12. Playing correctly is called ... play.
13. Unfair moves are called ...
14. When a player breaks the rules the other team may get a ...
15. A federation of football clubs is called a football...
New words:
A draw- игра вничью ; a football ground ( pitch )- футбольное поле ; goal –ворота; foul- нарушение правил игры ; a penalty kick – штрафной удар ; to kick off –начинать или возобновлять игру ударом с центра ; to score a goal – забивать гол; fair – честный.
II. Fill in : go, play, do.
7. ... gymnastics
17. ... body- building 18. ... tennis
3 karate 9aerobics
14. ...handball
4swimming 10. ... baseball
5 football 6. ... golf 11. cycling
16. ...scuba-diving

mlilit82 mlilit82    1   18.01.2022 00:28    2

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