te the following text:

automatic control and control systems.

feedback control systems have become our servants in many more

ways than most of us realize. we now have tens of millions of л е т at

work - in industry, in offices and at home. we are increasingly dependant

on ais great army of robots. they contribute to our comfort, protect our

heakh and safety, relieve us of hard and uninteresting work and operate

difficult and dangerous enterprises which we couldn’t dare to undertake

wiaout л ет.

everyone knows about aermostat which keeps radiators hot and

refrigerators cold. most of the олег controls are less familiar. electrical

and electronic governors are known to stabilize the performance of our

radio and tvsets. robots control the flights of airplanes. process

controllers supervise the manufacture of plastics, synaetic fibers, the

whole range of products of chemical industry. complicated networks of

instruments run our petroleum refineries. our communication system is

one vast feedback circuit. throughout industry the convertion of energy

from the process of combustion to the rotating of the shafts of heavy

machinery is conducted under automatic control. in sum, if the controls

already operating in our economy were suddenly shut off, леге would be

chaos. but robots are here.

and ais is only the beginning. one’s imagmation needn’t be

restricted to industrial possibilities. we can look forward to feedback

controls in many олег fields.

a robot stimulates the functions of a human bemg. modem industry

began wkh manual and semi-automatic controls. a human operator read

the instrument and applied corrections to a process.

the essence of control is: measure, compare, correct and check the


as the tempo and complexity of technology rose, human operators

began to fall behind: леу could not keep up wkh the demands of the

machme. it became necessary to give the instruments which merely

measured and indicated the function of control as well.this liberation of technology from the limitations of the human

system has already had great practical consequences.

servo-mechanisms, regulators and process controllers play

increasingly important roles. simple controllers which measure and

control are giving way to complex controllers which control, compute and

govern the total plant performance. combinations of automatic controllers

and their respective processes function more and more as system in broad

sense - in energy conversion, transportation, communication, mechanized

computation, the processing and synthesis of materials and the

manipulation of machinery.


Lesha152 Lesha152    3   19.09.2019 02:46    1

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