Спереводом ! у меня есть друг его зову юра, ему 10 лет у него отличное настроение. он живет в россии в великом новгороде. он ученик 3 класса гимназии№ 2. он учится на отлично , его любимый урок -. он хочет быть инженером. он умеет бегать, прыгать, но не умеет плавать. он любит кушать фрукты и пить молоко. у него есть животное-кот. его любимое время года зима, потому что он любит кататься на лыжах. у него много друзей. он любит спорт, любит читать и кататься на велосипеде .я люблю моего друга потому что он самый добрый и отзывчивый.

Alexy7406 Alexy7406    1   25.07.2019 09:30    1

tyujg tyujg  24.09.2020 11:59
I have got a friend. His name is Yuri, he is 10. He always have a wonderfull mood. Hi lives in Russia, in Great Novgorod. He in 3 form, in second gymnasium. He always has an exelent marks, his favourite lesson is mathimatic. He can run, but he can't swim. He like to eat fruits and drink milk. He has  a cat. His favourit season is winter, becaus he likes to skate. He has many friends. He likes read. I like my friend, becaus he is very kind and responsive.
elizavetdu04 elizavetdu04  24.09.2020 11:59
I have friend. His name is Ura. He is 10. He is in a good mood. He lives in Velikyi Novgorod, Russia. He studies in the 3rd grade in gymnasium number 3. He is well in school. His favourite subject is Maths. He wants to be an engineer. He can run, jump, but he can't swim. He likes fruits and milk very much. Also he has a cat . His favourite season is winter because he likes skying . He has many friends. He likes sport, riding on bike and reading . I love my friend because he's kind and cheerful.
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