Спереводом ! the lawyers of different countries differ widely from one another. the continent bases its jurisprudence upon the university-made civil law, in place of the judge-made common law of england and the usa. the practice of this civil law consists of several co-ordinate professions, each constituting a career in itself. such are, for instance, the professions of judge, of diplomat, of higher civil servant, of law teacher and scholar. the united states stand at the opposite extreme; the student, after his formal education is completed, is admitted by the state to the privilege of general practice of the law. there is little or no connection between his course of preparation - which may or may not be in a university - and the particular line of highly specialized legal activity in which he will find himself at first, and from which he can later pass to the bench, into politics or even business. in england the lawyer occupies a position somewhat resembling that of his colleague in the united states, but not to the extreme exemplified here.
Соединенные Штаты стоят на противоположной крайностью; студент, после его формальное образование завершено, признаются государственными в честь общей практики закона. Практически нет связи между его подготовке - которая может или не может быть в университете - и в частности линии высоко
специализированной юридической деятельности, в которой он найдет себя в первую очередь, и от которой он позже может пройти к скамейке, в политике или даже бизнес.
В Англии адвокат занимает позицию, чем-то напоминает, что его коллега в США, но не до крайности пример здесь.