Specially designed trains travel around northern Kazakhstan providing medical care to people living out on the steppe. The trains are like travelling hospitals with
Coctors nurses and all the latest medical technology,
This programme has changed the lives of many people living in rural Kazakhstan
They do not have to wory about making the difficult journey to the hospital. The
hospital comes to them instead!
Look at the pictures the title and the headings. What do you
think the texts are about?
Listen, read and check.
6451 Read the texts again and answer the questions.
1 Where is the RFDSA?
2 When did it start?
3 Which people do Health Trains help?
4 How many health trains are there?
To answer the questions, we need to refer back to the text:
1) Where is the RFDSA?
The text does not mention any organization or institution called RFDSA, so we cannot determine where it is.
2) When did it start?
The text does not provide information about when the program started, so we cannot answer this question.
3) Which people do Health Trains help?
The text states that Health Trains help people living in rural Kazakhstan, specifically those who do not have easy access to hospitals.
4) How many health trains are there?
The text does not specify the number of health trains in operation, so we cannot answer this question.
In conclusion, based on the given text, we can understand that specially designed trains in northern Kazakhstan provide medical care to people living in rural areas. However, some of the specific questions cannot be answered as they are not mentioned in the text.