Сотавить предложения используя present perfect-- have\has+глагол в 3 форме example: - there are no pies on the plate. john (eat). - john has eaten them. 1) - their house is now yellow! - yes, they (paint) . 2) - he knows everything about moscow. - i think he does. he (be) there many times. 3) - john, your car looks so clean! it should be! i (wash) . 4) - your grandparents are tired. yes, they (come) back from the shops. 5) - does harry know about it? - yes, i (give) him a call. 6) - is the book interesting? - i don't know yet. i just (begin) reading it. 7) - why is jason in hospital? - he (fall) off his bike. 8) - roy knows nothing about our meeting. - sorry. i (not, speak) to him yet.

Быстрееее Быстрееее    3   26.07.2019 05:20    0

аркадий47 аркадий47  03.10.2020 13:13
1) have painted it.
2) has been
3) have washed it
4) have come
5) have given
6) have begun
7) has fallen
8) haven't spoken
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