Составьте вопросительные или отрицательные (-)предложения
1. will here be tomorrow you
2. anne's teacher father a was
3. are ready we (–)
4. when birthday was your
5. chocolates those good very were (–)
6. mary at home will next be week (–)
7. train this late morning the was
8. am for exam i ready the (–)
9. gloves in my the are car
10. were my brother happy and at i school (–)

3. подставьте нужный предлог времени (at, in, on)
1. i spoke to harry .
2. carole was born 1994.
3. we usually go to the gym the evening.
4. are you free friday evening?
5. the countryside is beautiful may.
6. i'll try to see you next wednesday.
7. i don't know what time it starts.
8. everybody will be here supper time.
9. there's no match this sunday.
10. i'll always remember that afternoon.
11. can i come and see you sunday afternoon?
12. you'll be sorry for this one day.
13. i go to a maths class every tuesday evening.
14. she learnt english six months.
15. when will i get married? this year, next year, some time, never?

4. подставьте нужный артикль (определенный, неопределенный, нулевой)
1. this is pen. that is pencil. 2. this is book. it is my book. 3. is this your pencil? – no, it isn’t my pencil, it is my sister’s pencil. 4. 1 have sister. my sister is engineer. my sister’s husband is doctor. they have got two children. 5. this is girl. this girl is their daughter. their daughter’s name is vera. 6. that is boy. that boy is her brother. her brother’s name is nick. 7. this is our flat. 8. we have got car. our car is not very expensive but reliable.

5. подставьте нужный артикль (определенный, неопределенный, нулевой)
1. this is pen. pen is red. 2. these are pencils. pencils are black. 3. this is soup. soup is so tasty. 4. in the morning i eat sandwich and drink tea. 5. she gave me coffee and cake. coffee was hot. cake was very tasty. 6. do you like ice cream? 7. i see book in your hand. is book interesting? 8. do you need camera? 9. he never eats meat, he always eats vegetables, cereals, seeds, fruit, and nuts. he is vegetarian. 10. this is pineapple. pineapple is delicious.

6. подставьте нужный артикль (определенный, неопределенный, нулевой)
1. this is good book. take book from table. put this book in bookcase. 2. weather is fine today. sky is blue. sun is shining brightly in blue sky. 3. this is boy. boy is at school. he is pupil. this boy is my brother’s friend. he has cat, but he has no dog. he likes his cat. he gives cat milk every day. 4. yesterday i received letter from my friend. letter was important. 5. we live in big house. i like house very much.

andrey2085 andrey2085    3   23.12.2019 01:11    106

bekker222 bekker222  10.01.2024 16:13
1. Will there be you tomorrow? (Вопросительное предложение)
2. Anne's father was a teacher. (Утвердительное предложение)
3. We are not ready. (Отрицательное предложение)
4. When was your birthday? (Вопросительное предложение)
5. Those chocolates were not good. (Отрицательное предложение)
6. Mary will not be at home next week. (Отрицательное предложение)
7. Was the train late this morning? (Вопросительное предложение)
8. I am not ready for the exam. (Отрицательное предложение)
9. The gloves are in my car. (Утвердительное предложение)
10. My brother and I were not happy at school. (Отрицательное предложение)

1. I spoke to Harry at.
2. Carole was born in 1994.
3. We usually go to the gym in the evening.
4. Are you free on Friday evening?
5. The countryside is beautiful in May.
6. I'll try to see you next Wednesday.
7. I don't know what time it starts.
8. Everybody will be here by supper time.
9. There's no match this Sunday.
10. I'll always remember that afternoon.
11. Can I come and see you on Sunday afternoon?
12. "One day" already implies a specific time, so no preposition is needed.
13. I go to a maths class every Tuesday evening.
14. She learnt English for six months.
15. When will I get married? This year, next year, some time, never? (No preposition is needed)

1. This is a pen. That is a pencil.
2. This is a book. It is my book.
3. Is this your pencil? - No, it isn't my pencil, it is my sister's pencil.
4. I have a sister. My sister is an engineer. My sister's husband is a doctor. They have got two children.
5. This is a girl. This girl is their daughter. Their daughter's name is Vera.
6. That is a boy. That boy is her brother. Her brother's name is Nick.
7. This is our flat. (No article)
8. We have a car. Our car is not very expensive but reliable.

1. This is a pen. The pen is red.
2. These are pencils. The pencils are black.
3. This is soup. The soup is so tasty.
4. In the morning, I eat a sandwich and drink tea.
5. She gave me coffee and cake. The coffee was hot. The cake was very tasty.
6. Do you like ice cream? (No article)
7. I see a book in your hand. Is the book interesting?
8. Do you need a camera?
9. He never eats meat, he always eats vegetables, cereals, seeds, fruit, and nuts. He is a vegetarian.
10. This is a pineapple. The pineapple is delicious.

1. This is a good book. Take the book from the table. Put this book in the bookcase.
2. The weather is fine today. The sky is blue. The sun is shining brightly in the blue sky.
3. This is a boy. The boy is at school. He is a pupil. This boy is my brother's friend. He has a cat, but he has no dog. He likes his cat. He gives the cat milk every day.
4. Yesterday I received a letter from my friend. The letter was important.
5. We live in a big house. I like the house very much.
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