Составьте предложения на must and musn't (по 5) на школьную тему с словами: bully-запугивать detain-задерживать exclude-исключать из школы expel-выгонять truant-прогульщик permit-позволять,разрушать tolerate-терпеть maintain-поддержка,содержание

lolololololf lolololololf    2   28.05.2019 14:30    0

plagiatik6 plagiatik6  26.06.2020 07:04
You must not bully people, because it is not good.
You must not permit to you to truant school.
The teachers must not expel the pupils from the lessons.
You must not drink an alcohol at school
You must not detain on the lessons

The director must expel the truants from the school
You must read the books
The director must exclude the pupils who are truant
You must respect your teachers
You must hear at the lessons
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