Составьте по три предложения с каждым их этих оборотов: to prepare for smth.; to be greatly surprised; in silence; for smb’s sake.

ащна ащна    3   23.05.2019 23:10    2

MariyamGaraeva MariyamGaraeva  19.06.2020 18:55
I was preparing for my wedding very seriously because it's the most important day in my life.
I have just prepared a surprise for you.
Don't disturb me because I'm preparing for the coming exam.

I was greatly surprised when I knew that you will have a baby soon.
I'm greatly surprised because of your decision.
If you open this bag you'll be greatly surprised.

Don't touch me! I want to stay in silence.
It's an awesome moment when you can stay with your thoughts in silence.
I like to listen to the bird's songs in spring silence.

I can do anything for my mom's sake.
Stay here forever for my sake.
He won't let her go and do anything for her sake. 
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