Составьте план текста.Education in England All English children must stay at school from age of 5 until they are 16. The schools are divided into two groups: state schools and private schools.

State schools are divided into the following types:

Grammar schools. Children from these schools show a preference for academic subjects, though many grammar schools now also have some technical subjects.

Technical schools. These schools are for children, who are interested in physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Modern schools. Boys and girls who like to work with their hands can go there to get some trade.

Comprehensive schools. These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physics, chemistry, biology, machine workshops and also geography, history, art and domestic course.

There are also many schools, which the State doesn't control. They are private schools. They charge fees for educating children and many of them are boarding schools and schools only for girls or boys.

After leaving school many young people go to colleges or universities.

Colleges offer courses in teacher training and some professions connected with medicine.

There are about 90 universities in Britain. After graduating from the university a student gets a degree. Most degree courses at universities last 3 years, language courses 4 years, medicine and dentistry courses 5-7 years.

Students usually very busy because of their training, but many of them have to work in the evenings to pay for it.

KOBPAHET KOBPAHET    1   25.01.2021 19:24    92

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