. Составьте не менее семи предложений, используя be allowed to do smth- быть разрешенным делать что-либо.
Например: In Britain teenagers are allowed to buy a pet at the age of twelve without their parents’ permission.
Drive a car -17
Ride a moped-16
Buy cigarettes-16
Vote in elections-18
Join the army-16
Get married with your parents’ permission-16
Get married without your parents’ permission-18
2. Read the legal ages and write which ages (какой возраст) you think are silly (глупые)? Comment on them using (not) old enough
*(not) old enough переводится на русский язык: (не) достаточно взрослый.
Например: I think that at sixteen you’re old enough to ride a moped but you’re not old enough to drive a car.

sophia75 sophia75    2   08.05.2020 18:59    6

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