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1ЛиКа6 1ЛиКа6    1   02.06.2019 08:20    0

Alishkek Alishkek  03.07.2020 06:29
Across1. Many people drink it in the morning with milk or cream. C O F F E E
4. British people drink it at 5 o' clock. T E A
5. Juicy, round fruit with a stone-like seed.PEACH
7. You make wine from this fruit.G R A P E
8. You make lemonade from this fruit.L E M O Ndowm1. You serve it at birthday parties.CAKE
2. You can find them in an aquarium.FISH
3. Hens lay it.EGG
5. Meat from a pig.PORK
6. Eve gave one to Adam. APPLE
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