Составьте коротенький рассказ на про жизнь подростков в россии на уровне 6 класса заранее )вам 40

YuKruglova1 YuKruglova1    3   11.07.2019 05:50    2

tim2424 tim2424  17.09.2020 17:51

Today teenagers in Russia almost do not differ from teenagers in other countries.

They wear similar clothes, have similar habits, many of them like fast food, although they know that it is wrong to eat a lot of burgers and potato crisps and drink a lot of fizzy drinks like Coca Cola.

Most teenagers rarely play football in the yard, go to the river or lake. They read few books and watch endless TV shows . Today every teenager has a smartphone and accounts in social networks. Boys and girls spend too much time on the Internet, and many of them don't like school. Those who like studying try not to show it.

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