Составьте диалог 1. Hi! How are you?
2. Oh, I feel awful (ужасно).
3. What's the matter?
4. I'm fine, thank you. And you?
5. I've got a backache.
6. Thank you.
7. That's a good idea.
8. I'm sorry to hear that. You must consult the doctor.
9. I hope you get better soon.
1. – Hi! How are you?
2. – I'm fine, thank you. And you?
3. – Oh, I feel awful (ужасно).
4. – What's the matter?
5. – I've got a backache.
6. – I'm sorry to hear that. You must consult the doctor.
7. –That's a good idea.
8. – I hope you get better soon.
9. – Thank you.