Составите указания, найдя соответствия между глаголами и слово сочетаниями. model: listen to the speaker. 1)read. a)to the speaker 2)ask. b)a test 3)wash. c)this book 4)listen. d)your hair 5)write. e)english 6)sing. f) your friend 7)speak. g)a song 8)phone. h)football 9)eat. i)a new dress 10)play. j)your bag 11)drink. k)a sandwich 12)carry. l)this tea 13)buy. m)a guestion

qwerty06151 qwerty06151    3   27.05.2019 04:10    2

kamilahamidova kamilahamidova  23.06.2020 20:52
Read this book
ask a question
wash your hair
listen to the speaker
write a test
sing a song
speak English
phone your friend
eat a sandwich
play football
drink this tea
carry your bag
buy a new dress
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