Составить все возможные вопросы к it often rains in autumn in london. i have bought some cards in the shop. the doctor is going here.

violettaratonina violettaratonina    3   22.05.2019 01:20    1

HeliaK HeliaK  17.06.2020 01:41

Where often rains in autumn?

Does  often rain  in Lodnon?

What i have bought in the shop?

Where i have bought some cards?

How many card i have bought in the shop?

Who is doing here?

What is do the doktor  here?


Jikogogo Jikogogo  17.06.2020 01:41
1)which season it often rains in London? 2)what you bought in the shop? 3) who is going here?
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