Составить все 5 типов вопросов (1. общий; 2. ; 3. альтернативный; 4. разделительный; 5. специальные) к предложению: it's estimated that 500 mln people mostly within the developing world live under the threat posed by volcanoes.

mashkakornilova mashkakornilova    3   26.05.2019 02:50    2

panda044 panda044  22.06.2020 11:38
1-  do you know how many people live under the threat posed by volcanoes?
2-do you know that volcanoes can be really dangerous for people, dont you?
3- do people fear volcanic eruptions or dont care?
4- 500 mln people live under the threat posed by volcanoes, dont they?
5- how many people live under the thear posed by volcanoes?
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