составить тему 15-20 предложений на основе прикрепленного текста: Read the text and make your own topic about KuzSTU. Not more than 20 sentences. T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University At present time T.F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University is one of the largest higher education institutions of Western Siberia, it represents by itself the large center of Kemerovo region where fundamental, applied and developmental works are carried out practically for all industries of Kuzbass and Russia. Training is conducted according to educational programs of higher education, including training of specialists on 40, bachelors – 18, masters - 3 programs accordingly. In 2012 it is planned to start in addition 2 educational bachelor programs and 14 master programs. The researches and development in KuzSTU are conducted on as follows: geomechanics; coal chemistry; nanotechnology; geology; exploration and technology of ecologically safe development of deposits and mining; geodesy; land management; ecology; deep coal processing technologies; labor and industrial safety (first of all in mining and chemistry); engineering; modeling of technological and physical processes; economy and management in base branches of Kuzbass. The university's aim is strengthening and development of human potential of Russia’s leading coal region on the basis of consolidation of resources and university possibilities with the key enterprises of the region in educational, scientific-innovative and international activity. The university's strategic objective is to achieve leader positions on the basis of strengthening of intellectual elite and scientific and pedagogical schools of higher education institution, attract talents for the solution of educational, scientific and production, social and economic problems of Kuzbass. Read the second part of the text and make the appropriate order of the paragraphs. History of T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University There are 6 institutes (Institute of management, Mining Institute, Chemical Institute, Electricity engineering Institute, Ecological and industrial safety Institute and Institute of additional professional safety) and 2 faculties (Machine-building, Mine construction) at KuzSTU, on which students are trained on the many educational streamlines. Kemerovo Mining Institute (KMI) was founded on the basis of Kemerovo Mining and Construction Technical School in August 30, 1950. In July 29, 1965 KMI was transformed into Kuzbass Polytechnical Institute (KuzPI). In November 22, 1993 KuzPI was renamed into Kuzbass State Technical University (KuzSTU). In May 25, 2011 Kuzbass State Technical University is renamed into the T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University. Duration of training for Bachelor degree is 4 years, for specialist degree - 5,5 years and for magistracy - 2 years accordingly. Upon graduation of the main education there is a chance to continue education in postgraduate and doctoral study. Training in postgraduate study is carried out on 19, in doctoral study on 5 scientific specialties accordingly. The system of additional education on the whole profile of the main professional educational programs of higher education institution is developed at the university. The number of regular academic staff, including branches, is 850, including teachers with degrees and ranks - 60 %, professors, doctors of science – 13,1 %. Branches of the university are located in the following cities: Anzhero Sudzhensk, Belovo, Mezhdurechensk, Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Tashtagol. There are 14 scientific and educational centers (SEC) at KuzSTU. There are 12 research (RL) and training laboratories (RTL) at KuzSTU. There are 6 small innovative enterprises (SIE) at KuzSTU. More than 40 Russian enterprises and organizations concluded strategic partnership contracts with KuzSTU. Contracts are also signed with foreign organizations and enterprises. Shandong University of Science and Technology (Qingdao, People's Republic of China), Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan), Archeology Institute (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Byelorussian national technical university (Minsk, Byelorussia), Sevastopol National Technical University and APTECHLIMITED (Mumbai, India) etc. KuzSTU comprises 16 educational buildings including headquarters and buildings of the branches. It has scientific and technical library, an educational and practical complex, 3 hostels for students, geodesic base and ski base, dining room, sanatorium and preventive clinic, printing house. Now over 19000 students, including about 10000 full time students are trained at the university and its branches. During 61 years the university has trained over 77000 specialists which work in all regions of Russia and the CIS countries. It is remarkable that the most part of chief and engineering staff of the enterprises of Kuzbass industry primary branches are KuzSTU graduates.