Составить сочинение на тему мой самый лучший день в моей жизни на английском минимум 80 слов

TATARIN001 TATARIN001    3   14.11.2021 20:00    0

Aannddrreeyy22 Aannddrreeyy22  14.11.2021 20:10

It was a few years ago when I was 22. I fell in love with a girl from my major, but she did not show any signs of interest in me. I thought that I was not good enough or she loved somebody else. I just tried to be a good friend and supporter as I did with almost everyone. However, once, we accidentally stayed together after classes, and she told me that she noticed my interest and she had the same feelings for me. This day became the start of our relationships that have been continuing still. Now she is my wife, and we love each other.

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