Составить с каждым из этих слов отрицательные и вопросительные предложения 1)a dream 2)to look for 2)to search 3)ripe4) to plant 5)to lend 6) to borrow 7)to arrive in

draft1challenge draft1challenge    1   24.04.2019 08:20    1

Вкуснополлия Вкуснополлия  08.06.2020 15:03

1. We always dream about new life

Do we always dream about new life?

 we don't dream about new life

2. I'm looking for my keys

Am i looking for my keys?

i am not looking for my keys

3. they search  for natural resources

Do they search for natural resources?

they don't search for natural resources

4. This apple is very ripe

Is this apple very ripe?

this apple isn't very ripe

5. I planted this tree last year

Did i plant this tree?

i didn't plant this tree

6. I lend him money

Do I lend him money

I don't lend him money

7. I borrow his mobile phone

Do I borrow his mobile phone?

I don't borrow his mobile phone

8. I arrived in London yesterday

Did i arrive in london?

I didn't arrive in London yesterday 

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