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alinkarazborova alinkarazborova    1   30.03.2019 16:00    1

alinkaaa25 alinkaaa25  27.05.2020 17:55

Puma — a type of family cat's. Paws wide, with sharp, curve vtyazhny claws; on hinder legs up to 4 fingers, on lobbies — on 5. Claws are used by Vtyazhnye for capture and production deduction, and also for a lasagna on trees. Small pillows of fingers oval, on a heel small pillow three distinct shares — a common feature for all cats.
Contrary to ordinary opinion, a puma — quite silent animal. The loud cries similar to human shouts, it publishes only during the marriage period.

redckast redckast  27.05.2020 17:55

Puma-live in America. It isn't very strong animal. It is downy animal.

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